This guided meditation is focused on opening the 7 main chakras. This is a powerful way to promote relaxation, self-awareness, and spiritual growth over the next 5-minutes, we will guide you through a meditation, that takes you through each of the seven chakras from the root to the crown, integrating deeper meanings and the path to enlightenment.

Guided Meditation: Opening Your Chakras from Root to Crown

Welcome to this chakra-opening meditation. Find a comfortable seated position, with your spine straight and your hands resting gently on your knees. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your belly to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension. Let your breath become natural and steady.

As we journey through the chakras, envision each one as a spinning wheel of energy, aligning you with a deeper sense of balance and peace. To book an appointment for therapy or massage please click here to schedule a 1-on-1 session!

Root Chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of your spine. It’s associated with the color Red and also the Element of Earth. The Root Chakra represents Stability, security, and grounding.  

Bring your awareness to the base of your spine. Visualize a vibrant red light glowing warmly, connecting you to the earth beneath you. This is your **Root Chakra**, your foundation. Feel the stability and strength it provides, anchoring you in the present moment. As you breathe in, imagine the energy of the earth rising to meet you, filling you with a sense of security and safety. Know that you are grounded and supported.

Next move your attention to the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), located below the navel. The Color associated with the Sacral Chakra is Orange. Water is the element that coincides with this chakra, and its Meaning is Creativity, pleasure, and emotional flow.

As you move your focus to this area, just below your navel, where you can see a bright orange light beginning to shine. This is your **Sacral Chakra**, the seat of creativity and emotion. Feel its warmth and fluidity. 

As you inhale, allow your inner creative energies to awaken. Embrace the flow of emotions without judgment, welcoming joy and abundance into your life. Understand that this chakra encourages you to live with passion and creativity, freeing you from fears and inhibitions.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is Located in your Upper abdomen. And is represented by the Color, Yellow. Its Element is Fire. For the Solar Plexus Chakra, you may focus on the Personal power, confidence, and transformation it provides.

Shift your attention to your upper abdomen, where a radiant yellow light glows. This is your Solar Plexus Chakra, the core of your personal power and will. Feel the warmth and confidence radiating from this center. As you breathe in, allow yourself to feel empowered and in control. Acknowledge your ability to transform challenges into opportunities, cultivating inner strength and resilience. You are a powerful being with the ability to manifest your desires.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) is Located Center of the chest. The Color Green and the Element Air and give Meaning to Love, compassion, and connection  

As you Bring your awareness to the center of your chest, notice how a gentle green light emanates. This is your **Heart Chakra**, the source of love and compassion. Feel its warmth expanding outward, connecting you to the infinite love that surrounds you. As you inhale, open your heart to forgiveness and empathy. Allow yourself to feel deeply connected to others and to the universe. Recognize that love is the essence of your being, guiding you toward unity and peace.

As we move up from the heart to the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) imagine the Color Blue, and set your sights on the Ether, which is what this chakra represents, and seek further understanding from its Meaning of Communication, truth, and self-expression  

Focus on your throat chakra, where a clear blue light begins to shine brightly. This is the center of communication and truth. Feel the energy swirling here, opening up your ability to express yourself authentically. As you breathe in, invite clarity and honesty into your words. Know that your voice matters and that you have the right to speak your truth. Embrace your ability to listen with compassion and understanding.

The third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is Located Between the eyebrows and the Color that represents it is Indigo. The Element associated with the third Eye is Light, and the Meaning is Intuition, insight, and inner wisdom.

Now, Shift your focus to the space between your eyebrows, where a deep indigo light glows. This is your **Third Eye Chakra**, the seat of intuition and insight. Feel the energy here, opening your mind to deeper understanding. As you inhale, trust in your inner wisdom and the guidance it provides. Allow yourself to see beyond the physical world, embracing a broader perspective. Your intuition is your guide, leading you toward truth and clarity.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is Located at the Top of your head, the Colors represented are Violet or White, this is the Cosmic Energy of Spiritual connection and enlightenment!

Finally, bring your awareness to the top of your head, where a brilliant violet or white light radiates. This is your **Crown Chakra**, the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and universal connection. Feel the energy here expanding, connecting you to the divine source of all creation. As you inhale, embrace the oneness of all existence and the infinite possibilities of your being. Know that you are part of something greater, and your journey toward enlightenment is unfolding.

Take a deep breath in, feeling all your chakras aligned and balanced. As you exhale, release any lingering tension, knowing you are on the path to total enlightenment. Slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment, wiggling your fingers and toes. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of peace and harmony with you.

If you would like to discover more meditations and learn how Aura Om Therapy and Massage can help you gain back your freedom, and confidence and have a genuine connection with yourself, visit us at www dot Aura Om dot com slash meditations.

Thank you for joining this meditation journey. May you continue to explore the depths of your being and embrace the light within… Namaste